Monday 12 December 2016

The Hungry Squirrel

The Hungry Squirrel

Early one morning near the edge of the forest, a small squirrel was gathering nuts while a  
hawk was circling in the sky.

The squirrel sensed something was wrong. He looked up with his big round eyes and saw the hawk who was soaring high above him with with his large claws and pointed beak.

The hawk swooped down after the terrified squirrel, the squirrel ran as fast as he could into the thick and prickly bush to hide.

The hawk dived at the bush but got prickles in his short feathers, he gave up and flew away.

The squirrel finished gathering his nuts and went back to his family in the fir tree.

Image result for images of squirrels

Monday 24 October 2016

Responding to feedback

It was Sunday the day we were all going to Cameron's Market. It took thirty minutes  or more to get to Cameron's market day but it was worth it. I thought this was going to be the perfect day.

While we were at Cameron's market I will looked for a school bag and a skipping rope with a flower pattern on it.

There were a lot of people especially artists and people with skills. As I walked around the market I heard lots of different noises. There was a lot of talking and laughing. My heart was beating fast. The market made me feel good.

I found some things I liked. I got some new toys, one bag with a flower pattern on it and one skipping rope. I heard lots of people. While I was getting my new things I could smell the sausage sizzle. This made be I feel happy.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

The Perfect Day

I am learning to make my writing more interesting for the reader.

I know I will be able to do this when I add more detail, interesting words and include what I see, hear, smell and feel.

The Perfect Day

It was Sunday the day we were going to Cameron's Market. This was going to be the perfect day.

When we were at Cameron's market I will look for a school bag and a skipping rope with a flower pattern on it.

It took thirty minutes or more to get to Cameron's market day but it was worth it.

There were a lot of people especially artists and people with skills. My heart was beating. the market felt good. I heard lots of different noises.

I got some new toys and one bag with a flower pattern on it and one skipping rope. I heard lots of people. I heard them talking and laughing. I could smell the sausage sizzle. I felt happy.

Saturday 15 October 2016


Tuesday 13 September 2016


We have been learning to make connections to the people and places that are important to us.

My Taonga it is a rock.

I have chosen my Taonga because it reminds me of mother.

The place I connect to is  Punakaiki because mum found  it on the  path  for  me.   

I have been able to make connections to  my  mum because we have both connected     

to Punakaiki.


Hi  my  name  is  Emma.

I  am  7  years  old.

I  like  dancing  and  singing.     I go  to  Paparoa  Range  School.       

Friday 19 August 2016

Saturday 20 February 2016


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